• Atrazine

    It is a herbicide with selective systemic, absorbed principally through the roots and foliage. Pre- and Post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in maize, sorghum, sugar cane, pineapples, chemical fallow, grassland, macadamia nuts, conifers and industrial weed.

    7 ¥ 0.00
  • Bispyribac-sodium

    It is a herbicide with selective systemic, absorbed by foliage and root. Post-emergence control of grasses, sedge and broad-leaved weeds.

    9 ¥ 0.00
  • Clomazone

    It is a broad-spectrum herbicide used for control of annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds in cotton, peas, pumpkins, soybeans, sweet potatoes, tobacco, winter squash, and fallow wheat fields. It can be applied early pre-plant, pre-emergent or preplant-incorporated, depending on the crop, geographical area, and timing.

    6 ¥ 0.00
  • 2,4-D

    It is a herbicide with selective systemic, absorbed by the roots. Post-emergence control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals, maize, sorghum, grassland, established turf, grass seed crops, orchards, cranberries, asparagus, sugar cane, rice, forestry and non-crop land.

    3 ¥ 0.00